Best Notion templates to make your life easier

Both free & premium Notion Templates thoughtfully designed to make your life organized & productive.

Over 35 Million people worldwide & the world’s most successful companies use Notion

Free Starter Bundle

5 free Notion templates included

Start using Notion.

Absolutely for free.

Notion Starter free bundle

Second Brain System

50% OFF! Launch offer for 3 days!

All-in-all system

to organize your life.

Notion second brain

Free templates.

With premium features.

notion habit tracker

Notion Habit Tracker

Track both good and bad habits easily to transform your life.

Notion Task manager

Ultimate Task Manager

Effectively organize and track all your single and recurrent tasks.

Notion book tracker

Book Tracker & Notes

Keep track of your books, set reading goals & take notes.

Notion job application tracker

Job Application Tracker

Track your applications, take interview notes & maintain a contact list.

Notion Digital Notebook

All-In-One Digital Notebook

Take notes, add important documents and never worry about losing your notebook.

Notion Budget Tracker

Keep track of your income, expenses & budgets in one place.

notion daily weekly monthly planner preview

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Planner

Make the most out of your time by planning before executing!

diy project manager notion template preview

DIY Project Manager

Track tasks, tools & progress while keeping notes & resources in one place.

Shopping Wishlist Tracker Notion Template Preview

Shopping Wishlist Tracker

This free template helps you organize and track everything you want to buy.

50% OFF! launch offer for 3 days!

Get the proven

Productivity system

Second Brain is an all-in-one Notion system that tracks your goals, projects, notes, and everything in between.
Price: $24
second brain large image
second brain large image

Got any questions?

If you can’t find the answer here, contact me.
What is Notion, and how can it improve productivity?

Notion is an all-in-one productivity tool that combines database building, and collaboration features. It allows us to easily build any custom system that can help us organize and systematize different aspects of our lives.

Yes, all my templates are compatible with both free and paid Notion plans. You can use any of our templates without requiring a paid Notion subscription.

Free templates are designed to handle a single particular type of task while the premium templates are complete systems that offer advanced features and are designed to take productivity and organization to the next level.

Due to the digital nature of the products, I cannot offer refunds. However, if you encounter any issues or need help, please reach out to me, and I’ll be happy to assist.

Can I use Notion completely for free?

Yes. Notion offers both free & premium features. The free version is enough for our day-to-day personal use. You can use both my free & premium templates with a free Notion account. Premium account is mainly needed for automation & collaboration.

No, my templates are designed for both beginners and advanced users. Each template includes video instructions on how to use it effectively, so even if you’re new to Notion, you can easily get started.

Absolutely! My templates are fully customizable. You can adjust, add, or remove elements in both free & premium templates to fit your preferences. However, redistribution or reselling of the templates is prohibited.

Yes. With every template either free or premium, there is a video demonstration available so you can understand how it works and what you can do with it.

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